Sunday, October 30, 2011

Looking Back: October 24th- 28th

I hope everyone is getting excited for our big day tomorrow!
We had many special events last week. Room 152 wants to give a great big thank you to Mrs. McCabe for our interesting Art Awareness lesson. The portraits look wonderful in the commons. We also want to say congratulations to all the fourth graders. You gave a fantastic performance!

Reading: Last week we enjoyed reading 'Bad Case of the Stripes'. We played Think Dots for the first time to increase discussion about the story and to review vocabulary in a different form. Think Dots are a series of cards, the kids roll a die, they then find the card that matches that number. Everyone was really engaged and had some good discussions with this new reading game. 
So far we have retired 2 more words to our word windows. The students are really working hard to incorporate our vocabulary words into their everyday conversations and writing. Keep it up!

Math: Last week we began Unit 3. We are cruising right along. Students are reviewing and building on place value skills as well as looking at money. Specifically, we worked with equivalent values and money. We even came up with a dance to represent this concept in class. Students also became 'shop owners' and practiced selling fruits and vegetables to customers to work on these money skills.

Social Studies: Intermixed with our Landforms unit, we began learning about the Pledge of Allegiance. We began by reading a picture book that helped us understand what those larger words in the pledge mean. We then put together our own version of the pledge in more 'second grade language'.  Currently, the students are illustrating a word they choose from the pledge. We are hoping to create a movie with these illustrations that the kids will help create.

Writing: I am excited to announce that we began our second writing unit. The students are working hard now on Narrative writing. Everyone chose a problem that they have faced and are now learning how to write a beginning, middle, and end around this moment. The three questions that students learned to always ask while writing this piece is: 1. Does my story have a problem? 2. How do I try to solve this problem? 3. Does my problem get solved?

Looking Ahead:
Monday: Halloween in the afternoon
Friday: Spelling Test

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