Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekly Review October 17th-21st

What an interesting week!  Everyone brought their smiles on Tuesday for picture day and their great listening skills to our fire safety presentation. The class did a wonderful job navigating the fire safety obstacle course. I think we all know how to safely exit our houses in case of a fire.
Monday was such an exciting day! The author party was a fantastic celebration of the kids first completed piece of writing, their Autobiographies. Our toast was fun and a great way to kick off our coffee house style story readings.
We have also added quite a few languages to our 'Celebration Clap'. So far our class can count to 3 in 9 different languages. Wow, that is really amazing!

Looking back at:

Reading- Last week we continued to work on strengthening our vocabulary. As a class we read an adorable and quite humorous story entitled Porkenstein. We were able to retire two words to the word windows- creaky and isolated. Great work second graders! We continue to build our stamina through our Daily Five centers. Our goal now becomes to work the whole time in a focused manner for each center. The students continue to meet with me for guided reading, we are really have some interesting discussions about our books.
We also began Reading Buddies on Wednesday. We have the wonderful opportunity to pair up with   Ms. Lee's fourth grade room to read and share stories. For our first meeting the kids got to meet and interview each other. They all wrote down differences and similarities between themselves. This made for such a fun morning!

Math- We have finished Unit Two, Hooray! We learned four subtraction strategies on Friday that will help up become faster subtractors. The kids really did well and seemed to enjoy learning Function Machines this week as well as addition practice with sequencing numbers according to a rule in our Frames and Arrows lessons.

Social Studies- We continue to work on landforms and continents. This past week students built different landforms out of play-dough and were asked to describe their creations to the class. This was just an engaging way to see how much information about each landform has already been absorbed. In the LMC this week, the students also continued their note taking. I am so impressed with the amount of quality notes that are being taken.

Looking Ahead:
Monday: In Math we will be doing an all class review.
Tuesday: Unit Two Math Test!
Wednesday: Miss Rosenthal will be at a meeting at the District Offices all day.

**Thank you for all of the jars that have already been sent in, it is greatly appreciated. We do still need more however, so please keep sending empty jars for one of the Halloween crafts. **

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