Monday, November 7, 2011

Looking Back: October 31st- 4th

Our week, last week, was kicked off by a wonderfully scary Halloween. I know my favorite part was the the story about Hal O'Ween. Thank you so very much to all of our parent helpers who planned such a fantastic party for our class. 

What happened in....

Reading: Last week we read a pretty funny story about mice getting into trouble. Little Henry took his sister's magic colored pencils and whatever he drew on the wall came to life. So you can only imagine what happened next. Ask you second grader to summarize last weeks story; also ask them what genre the story fits under and why.
We continue to work on our mental images, so last week students drew their mental images for our vocabulary words. It seems as though the favorite word last week was 'civilized'. Everyone was very quick to point out when we were acting in a civilized manner.
Last week we also completed a short auditory reading practice. I read a story and the students had four questions they were to answer after the story was read.

Math: We continue to practice exchanging coins for equivalent amounts. I encourage you to practice at home with your second grader playing banker. To play: have your student exchange maybe 1 dollar (any money amount) for an equal amount of money using different coins. This will help them identify the coins faster and with more accuracy as well as practice equivalent money values. 
We also dove back into telling time. Everyone is really improving in this area. The more practice students get seeing analog clocks the easier telling time will be for them.
Lastly, we combined many of our lessons for additional practice into 5 centers that we began on Friday and finished up today. Students made clock books, worked with Geo-boards, solved number puzzles, practiced place value using base 10 blocks and practiced their addition and subtraction skills through a game.

Writing: We continue to work on our Narrative pieces. We learned last week how to improve our stories beginning by adding details about the setting, characters as well as how to add in a super starter to hook the readers attention. During writing we came up with a picture that would help us remember how we structure a piece of writing. The picture that we drew out was a hamburger. Each part of the hamburger represents something important that makes are writing great.

LMC (our computer lab lesson time): This week in the LMC we took a break from our landform research and learned all about internet safety. This seemed to be many people's favorite activity of the week according to our weekly reflection sheets. After watching a video we brainstormed together rules that could help us be safe while using the internet. We came up with rules like- never give out your password, never give out your information, and never download anything without permission. The kids then took those rules and created an adorable Comic Life poster with their picture and two rules. These will be on display in the classroom and then sent home. I was so impressed with how everyone tackled the technology and produced such creative posters.

Looking Ahead:
Wednesday: This is a flip day. That means it will really be a Friday schedule because we will be missing school on Friday.
**Please bring your library books back by Wednesday as we will check out new books then.**
Friday: No School - Veterans Day!

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