Sunday, October 16, 2011

Looking Back: October 11th- 14th

What another great week! We had another short week, but it was packed with a lot of learning!

In Reading: We continue to work on our stamina during Daily 5 time. I have been so impressed with how focused the students are working. Even Mrs. Liez, our substitute from Tuesday, was impressed with how well the students knew the routines on their own. The class is clearly gaining strength in their ability to carry out tasks independently.
This week we took a second look at the book Everyone Cooks Rice. While reading this story for the second time, our focus was vocabulary. The students learned the words: boarder, community, diversity, appetizing, grumbling and gulp. I challenged the kids to use these words in conversation. When a word is correctly used we add a tally to our vocabulary chart, when one word receives 10 tally marks the word is then 'retired' to our word window wall. The students used appetizing and grumbling the most last week. Those two words are very close to retirement.   
Guided reading continued this week. I really enjoy this small group time with the students because it allows me to see the whole reader. We are using our CAFE Menu strategies like 'checking for understanding' during our guided reading time to increase our comprehension.

In Math: Rocket Math continues to cruise. This week we orbited to Mars and Planet Nicholas. This students are doing a wonderful job creating goals for themselves and self monitoring those goals. We continue to learn and practice addition and subtraction strategies. We also were able to think creatively while learning about Name Collection Boxes and playing Name That Number.

In Social Studies: Second graders continue to learn and complete research about our worlds landforms. On Tuesday, we used World Book Online to collect note-facts. Everyone did a great job logging into the computer and navigating the website. We also reviewed what Mnemonic Devices are used for and began to create our own Mnemonic Devices to help us remember the 7 continents. This is a difficult task, but the students took it on and produced some creative memory tools.

In Writing: We have finished our Autobiographies and I am excited to celebrate this accomplishment with a special toast on Monday! We also had an opportunity to share some of our reflections.

Looking Ahead:
-Spelling is back this week so be sure to log into Spelling City for 3 assignments! 
-Monday: We will be learning fire safety in the Fire House Trailer
-Tuesday: Picture day! Say cheese and smile big!
-Thursday: 6:30-7:30pm is Open House! We are excited to show you everything we have been working hard on!

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