Monday, October 10, 2011

Looking Back: October 3rd-6th

Our short week was packed with a lot of learning. The class is really working hard on the goals we set together. Our transitions between lessons are greatly improving. Keep up the great work! We also began our week with new seats. I think the students are really enjoying the change.

As a quick reminder, a note was sent home Thursday regarding our spelling test. Normally, our weeks will end with a spelling test on Friday, but this week I felt it necessary that Thursday remain a sorting/practice day and move our test to Tuesday.

What we accomplished:

In Reading- We read The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Down. The kids really enjoyed the humor in the story. They did a wonderful job picking out the events and character traits that made this book a fantasy.  We continue to talk about and locate spicy words as we read. In The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Down the students learned words like: sternly, ignored, contrary and glide. They were able to define, act out and use the words in their own contexts by the end of the week. Vocabulary will continue to be a focus as we read for the rest of the year.

In Math- We continue to work through Unit 2. The class learned two different strategies for helping them solve certain addition problems. The first strategy we discussed was the 'Doubles + 1' strategy (ie. 5+4, double 4 then add 1=9). We also learned the 'Doubles +2' strategy (ie. 5+7, double 5 then add 2=12). Next week will move into subtraction strategies. 

In Writing- Please take a look at some pictures that were posted from one of our writing times. I am proud to see some of the autobiographies that are being produced by your second graders. We took some time one afternoon to share with each other all of this great work. The kids loved being able to use blow up microphones and visors to read their school moments writing piece. 

In Social Studies- Our class continues to learn about the continents, oceans and now landforms. Everyone has had an opportunity to create their own world map in the way that they chose. 

Looking Ahead:
-The second grade teachers decided together that with another short week coming, we will not have spelling city or sorting work. We will still have vocabulary lessons and spelling as we started it last week, will continue on the 17th.

-Tuesday is a switch day. This means that we follow a Monday schedule.

-I will be in a meeting in the building until lunch time on Tuesday. I will be checking my email if there is anything that comes up that I need to be aware of and I will be back in the classroom after lunch.

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