Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekly Review September 26th-30th

We had an interesting week in room 152. We welcomed a new student on Thursday to our team. Marisol comes to Ivy Hill from Buffalo Grove. We are all excited to have a new friend.
While we said hello to one student, we said goodbye to another. Anna has been such a great addition to our class. She really taught us a lot and has grown so much since the beginning of the year. We wish her the best in her new school.

What we worked on:
Reading- We continued practicing how to make mental images while reading. The students were even able to use this strategy during our read aloud, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Everyone is doing a nice job with choosing their Daily 5 routine. We are working towards starting our work more quickly so as to use our time the best way we can. We will continue to discuss mental images and how one image can change as we read more in a story.
With the addition of spelling next week, we will add our fourth Daily 5 station, Word Word. This choice, to start, will be where students explore and meet with me to practice phonic patterns that are specific to their own spelling needs. 

Spelling- We will begin our spelling program this week. We are using Words Their Way which is a phonics based curriculum.The kids took a pre-test about a week ago. This pre-test was used to decide what sort your child will start on. Each sort has a particular skill that is the focus.  This coming Monday we will begin to sort and practice the spelling pattern of their given words. Learning phonics patterns will help with decoding more difficult words. Overall, it seems that our two practice weeks of Spelling City have gone well.  The routine will remain the same, with about three homework activities a week and a test on Friday, however now their lists will be based off of the phonic pattern they are learning through Words Their Way.

Math- This week we began Unit 2. The focus of this unit is on addition and subtraction facts.  We talked about number stories, and the kids did a wonderful job creating their own and sharing them with the class. We then moved into learning patterns and short-cuts that can help while adding. One of the tools we focused on was a fact table. 
Everyone is doing a great job with Rocket Math! Our routine is set up and even when I was at district trainings Tuesday and Wednesday, the substitute said how impressed she was with how the students carried through the routine with little redirection. Keep making and reaching those goals!
Math tests will go home by Tuesday!

Social Studies- We will continue to learn about the continents, oceans, and other map skills ask your child about the mnemonic device they created last week to remember the Cardinal Directions. We also began to create our own versions of world maps last week. In LMC this week our class will begin to talk and research different  landforms. 

Looking Ahead:
-Thursday we have our Everybody Counts presentation so we can learn to appreciate everyone's differences.
-There is no school Friday
-There will be no school Monday: Columbus Day!

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