Monday, April 22, 2013

Space Experiment

This morning we read an incredibly interesting article. I have attached the article and the video. The class made great hypotheses about how this experiment was going to turn out. They were really using their schema about gravity and how water acts on Earth. We were all surprised to see the true results.

You just don't know (because who's going to tell you?) that when you leave Earth, 
travel outside its gravitational reach, hundreds and hundreds of everyday things — 
stuff you've never had to think about — will change. 
Like ... oh, how about a wet wash cloth?

Two high school students in Nova Scotia, Kendra Lemke and Meredith Faulkner, 
asked Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield (who is orbiting the planet right now)
what would it be like to dip a wash cloth in water, (they suggested he clump it into a bottle, 
then pull it out) and squeeze it.

On Earth, a really wet wash cloth, squeezed tight, will drip, right?
Up on the International Space Station, wet wash cloths don't drip. 
What they do is like nothing I'd imagined. 

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