Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Look Back At Our Week April 15th-19th

I think it is safe to say that we are all happy to see the rain gone. I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine we had this weekend. I was able to get outside and go for a couple long walks around my neighborhood. I am starting to see many flowers starting to bloom.

In reading last week we worked on continued to learn how questioning helps us become stronger readers. We read 'The Stranger' by Chris Van Allsburg and the kids did a fantastic job recording their questions before and during their reading. This book prompted some interesting discussion. Along with questioning we continued to work on inferencing; combining what we know with the information we gathered from the story. The class continues to grow stronger with this skill. I am now asking them to show me their growth individually by completing graphic organizers from their guided reading books.

In math, we are almost done with our fractions unit. I think this may have been everyone's favorite unit so far this year. I will be sure to continue to add fractions into our daily practices. On Friday we had a lot of fun creating fraction kites. The kids had to color a kite any way they choose using 5 colors. They then had to write down what fraction represented the different colored sections of their kites. The kites look great and will make a fun spring addition to the hallway! As a reminder, our math test will be on Tuesday and we will be continuing our problem solving skills on Friday.

In writing, we are wrapping up our autobiographies. The class has been working hard to zoom in on one moment and describe it using detailed language. We will now begin our persuasive unit. I think everyone will also enjoy this unit because they get to come up with discussion points to try and convince someone else to believe in their opinion. In this unit we will be talking a lot about the difference between what a fact and what an opinion is.

In social studies, we are coming very close to our salt and flour map days. It will be a messy afternoon on Thursday so if you'd like please send your second grader with a large t-shirt or in close you don't mind getting a little messy in (just in case). I have reached out to some parents, but if you are interested in volunteering to help that afternoon please email me.

In science, we had the first of two very special deliveries. Our Painted Lady caterpillars arrived. We have 5 new additions to our classroom as this moment and more to come. The excitement can be felt when you walk through the door. The kids rush over after leaving the classroom for lunch and specials to check on our new little critters. We will begin learning about our visitors next week. We have already written down our schema about butterflies, now we will start adding to that knowledge.

Keep focused everyone!  :) We have a great week of learning ahead!

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