Monday, April 29, 2013

Second Grade Community Service Project

Helping dogs and cats get through “Ruff” times.

The second graders have decided to put their new persuasive writing skills to great use by helping out our local community. 
April 30th through May 10th the second graders will be collecting pet supplies: pet shampoo, toys, treats, chews, dog and cat food (dry or canned) near the front office. The second graders have been working very hard the past couple days creating persuasive posters for the rest of Ivy Hill to convince this audience to bring in items for the pantry.
If you can, we would appreciate your support by bringing in an item for the food drive or by spreading the word to others. 

Check out the website---------->     Nina's Pet Food Pantry

Monday, April 22, 2013

Space Experiment

This morning we read an incredibly interesting article. I have attached the article and the video. The class made great hypotheses about how this experiment was going to turn out. They were really using their schema about gravity and how water acts on Earth. We were all surprised to see the true results.

You just don't know (because who's going to tell you?) that when you leave Earth, 
travel outside its gravitational reach, hundreds and hundreds of everyday things — 
stuff you've never had to think about — will change. 
Like ... oh, how about a wet wash cloth?

Two high school students in Nova Scotia, Kendra Lemke and Meredith Faulkner, 
asked Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield (who is orbiting the planet right now)
what would it be like to dip a wash cloth in water, (they suggested he clump it into a bottle, 
then pull it out) and squeeze it.

On Earth, a really wet wash cloth, squeezed tight, will drip, right?
Up on the International Space Station, wet wash cloths don't drip. 
What they do is like nothing I'd imagined. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Look Back At Our Week April 15th-19th

I think it is safe to say that we are all happy to see the rain gone. I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine we had this weekend. I was able to get outside and go for a couple long walks around my neighborhood. I am starting to see many flowers starting to bloom.

In reading last week we worked on continued to learn how questioning helps us become stronger readers. We read 'The Stranger' by Chris Van Allsburg and the kids did a fantastic job recording their questions before and during their reading. This book prompted some interesting discussion. Along with questioning we continued to work on inferencing; combining what we know with the information we gathered from the story. The class continues to grow stronger with this skill. I am now asking them to show me their growth individually by completing graphic organizers from their guided reading books.

In math, we are almost done with our fractions unit. I think this may have been everyone's favorite unit so far this year. I will be sure to continue to add fractions into our daily practices. On Friday we had a lot of fun creating fraction kites. The kids had to color a kite any way they choose using 5 colors. They then had to write down what fraction represented the different colored sections of their kites. The kites look great and will make a fun spring addition to the hallway! As a reminder, our math test will be on Tuesday and we will be continuing our problem solving skills on Friday.

In writing, we are wrapping up our autobiographies. The class has been working hard to zoom in on one moment and describe it using detailed language. We will now begin our persuasive unit. I think everyone will also enjoy this unit because they get to come up with discussion points to try and convince someone else to believe in their opinion. In this unit we will be talking a lot about the difference between what a fact and what an opinion is.

In social studies, we are coming very close to our salt and flour map days. It will be a messy afternoon on Thursday so if you'd like please send your second grader with a large t-shirt or in close you don't mind getting a little messy in (just in case). I have reached out to some parents, but if you are interested in volunteering to help that afternoon please email me.

In science, we had the first of two very special deliveries. Our Painted Lady caterpillars arrived. We have 5 new additions to our classroom as this moment and more to come. The excitement can be felt when you walk through the door. The kids rush over after leaving the classroom for lunch and specials to check on our new little critters. We will begin learning about our visitors next week. We have already written down our schema about butterflies, now we will start adding to that knowledge.

Keep focused everyone!  :) We have a great week of learning ahead!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wonderful Country Research Presentations

We are finally unveiling our fabulous country research projects. The whole class did a spectacular job choosing a country they were interested in then completing many session of note-taking on specific topics about their country. We definitely have a few technology expects because the Google Presentations they put together were very impressive. The volume is a little on the softer side but
Mrs. Polito says wearing headphones helps to hear everyone's interesting information.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekly Update April 15th- 19th

Hello everyone! I had a wonderful weekend of seeing old friends. I also had a great time with many of our Ivy Hill teachers at the Just Move It challenge on Saturday morning. I saw a couple of you there. Hope you all had great fun this weekend and enjoyed the sunshine today!

Although I say this every week, we have a packed week! We will be continuing and expanding many of our projects we have begun in class.

In Reading- Last week we read The Lotus Seed. Everyone seemed very engaged and interested in the history behind the story. We will continue to work on questioning and inferencing this week in our whole group lessons as well as in our guided reading groups. We will also continue spelling as normal.

In Math- We continue to work hard on our fractions. We will continue to challenge ourselves with equivalent fractions through games and center work.

In Social Studies- Everyone has been doing a wonderful job creating their own continent map. The groups have been focusing on designing map keys and researching important landforms of their continent. This week we will be taking a closer look at elevation and coloring in our maps according to the elevation of the continent. We will be needing volunteers to help our class build our salt and flour maps on the afternoon of the 25th. If you think you would like to help please email me.

In Science- We continue to talk about plants and life cycles. We recently read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The class did a wonderful job recording plant facts and drawing conclusions from those facts. We have a special surprise arrival this week... stay tuned!

In Writing- The class continues to do an excellent job writing their autobiographies. Everyone is growing in their ability to zoom in on one moment and use descriptive language to describe it. We are hoping to finish our autobiographies this week so we can move on to our next exciting writing project.

Stay positive everyone! We are going to have a great week!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I hope everyone is still enjoying their day even though it is very rainy. I love to read on rainy days like today. Maybe grab a great book and curl up for a while.

Just as a reminder, please wear your green Ivy Hill t-shirt tomorrow.

+= Fun