Sunday, December 2, 2012

Looking Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The weather was wonderful and I enjoyed walking around my neighborhood!
I want to take a special moment to thank everyone for how great everyone has been with our two new students! It has been so helpful that I can count on everyone to be so kind and responsible.

Last Week In....

Reading- We read Strega Nona last week and focused on learning story elements. The class continued to discuss the connections between reading and writing. Everyone had good ideas about how learning story elements could help our writing get stronger. We also learned and talked about the Theme of a story. The theme is the lesson the main character learns for the events in the story or it can be a lesson the author wants the reader to gain by reading the book. While reading with your second grader at home, ask them what they think the theme or lesson of their book is.

Math- We continue to work through Unit 4. This week we will be starting to learn some problem solving strategies and continue to practice explain the multiple ways someone can solve a math problem. Last week students learned estimation and how in some situations it is appropriate to use a well thought out guess and an exact answer is not needed. We practiced this skill through shopping activities.

Writing- Hip Hip Hooray!! We voted and we will be interviewing Mrs. Crowley for our class biography. Students have been working hard on generating interview questions based on our
7 Biography ingredients. Everyone is very excited! In the LMC we also begin to research a famous person to gather information to construct a short biography.
-Interesting Facts

Next week we will begin some Geography lessons. This is always a fun, meaningful unit because students begin to learn where they live in the world.

Keep focused everyone! You are all doing great!

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