Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And We're Back!

Everyone is back in the swing of school after what seems like many fabulous breaks! We have been sharing stories and exciting events that happened while we were away!

So much learning has taken place in this room since the last blog posting. We have finished our Poetry Unit and I believe have created some true poets in the process. I encourage everyone to continue to use 'Work on Writing' time to keep creating poems. Working through poetry has sparked a great interest in this class about word choice. We have been learning many new vocabulary words and are using many of our new words frequently in our daily language as well as in our writing. Beyond our reading vocabulary, I think poetry helped everyone to expand their vocabulary by choosing 'spicy' or descriptive words for their own writing pieces. I am proud of the writers I am seeing come together.

We will continue to learn and use new vocabulary. Many students have become vocabulary detectives and love finding our words in their reading books and sharing those sentences with the class. Keep it up! 

In reading, we are continuing to look as how a story is written. We have discussed the different story elements that make up a good story. We will be using these story elements to help organize our writing as well. 

In math, we have started Unit 4.The unit is titled: 'Addition and Subtraction". Our first lesson is about Change-to-Whole number stories. We will be looking at problems where we start with a quantity and that starting value changes by adding more to it. The language can be tricky with these problems so we will take some time to discuss what the question is asking us to do and how do we know that.

In other exciting news- we had a new students join our classroom!  :) Her name is Haley and she comes to us from Riley Elementary School not to far away. We are so happy to have her in class and we know she will be a great addition to an already fantastic class!!

We will return to our 'Weekly Look Backs' this coming Sunday so be looking forward to those returning!

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