Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekly Update 23rd-25th

Even though it was a short week last week we accomplished quite a lot!

I am so so impressed with how everyone has been writing their paragraphs for our biography project. We are hoping to present with all the other second grade classrooms by the end of the week.

Keep practicing your paragraph writing at home. We begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, followed by three details, then the paragraph is closed with a closing (wrap up) sentence that connects to the topic sentence. The class has been using a 'Hamburger Organizer' to help us think about how to organize our writing. Think of the hamburger top bun as the topic sentence, all the yummy additions as the details, and the bottom hamburger bun represents the closing sentence.

In Reading- We have started to read about landforms to connect with our geography unit and maps. Last week we discussed mountains and hills. One of the key vocabulary terms and processes that we talked about was erosion. We will continue to work with our non-fiction features throughout out geography/social studies unit.

In Math- We are coming to a close with Unit 5. Monday we have an exciting, fun activity planned building pyramids with different size marshmallows and toothpicks. I think this will be a great way to connect our talks of polygons and 3D figures. We will review for our test on Tuesday and the test for Unit 5 will be on Wednesday.

Here are some quick links to make navigating new information happening at Ivy easier:

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