Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekly Update 23rd-25th

Even though it was a short week last week we accomplished quite a lot!

I am so so impressed with how everyone has been writing their paragraphs for our biography project. We are hoping to present with all the other second grade classrooms by the end of the week.

Keep practicing your paragraph writing at home. We begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, followed by three details, then the paragraph is closed with a closing (wrap up) sentence that connects to the topic sentence. The class has been using a 'Hamburger Organizer' to help us think about how to organize our writing. Think of the hamburger top bun as the topic sentence, all the yummy additions as the details, and the bottom hamburger bun represents the closing sentence.

In Reading- We have started to read about landforms to connect with our geography unit and maps. Last week we discussed mountains and hills. One of the key vocabulary terms and processes that we talked about was erosion. We will continue to work with our non-fiction features throughout out geography/social studies unit.

In Math- We are coming to a close with Unit 5. Monday we have an exciting, fun activity planned building pyramids with different size marshmallows and toothpicks. I think this will be a great way to connect our talks of polygons and 3D figures. We will review for our test on Tuesday and the test for Unit 5 will be on Wednesday.

Here are some quick links to make navigating new information happening at Ivy easier:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome Back!!

We made it everyone! We had a great, very full first week back after break! I was so impressed with our Teach-Nology Fair on Friday! I had the pleasure of volunteering upstairs for the sessions. I know some of our classmates presented during the poster sessions- I am sad I could not come see your work but I am certain you all did a fantastic job!

We have some exciting changes that will surface as we work our way through the second half of the year! I will make sure you know of all the excitement as it comes up!

Looking Back-

Reading- We have started learning all about the features of Non-Fiction texts. We will continue this through the coming week as well. Students will have a chance to explore different Non-Fiction texts and go on a 'hunt' for all of the features we have been learning. Everyone will be creating a Non-Fiction Feature notebook to use as a reference guide as to the features we have spent time learning.

Last week we continued our practice of identifying the genre of the books we are reading by recording the genre on the at home reading log. Please continue to help your 2nd grader use the correct code to match their book.

Math- We began Unit 5. The class seems to be very interested in learning Geometry. They have really latched onto the mathematical vocabulary and are using the words to describe objects in our classroom and at home. We will continue to learn about polygons and arrays.

Science- Last week we continued our Life Cycles unit and learned how to tell the age of a tree.

Writing- I have been so impressed with the way our class is researching their chosen biography person. We started the week by learning the correct way to take notes. After the lesson everyone spent time going through their old notefacts and revising them. From that point we have been using PebbleGo, WorldBook Online and print books to do further research.
If you can, please send a plain white poster board with your student next week to continue this project.