Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's Take a Look Back!

I had a very exciting weekend! I was able to go to my first Bears game today! Even though we did not win, it was such a fun day! I hope you all had some fun this weekend as well!

Reading: We read a wonderful story 'The Patchwork Quilt' last week. This story prompted such wonderful conversations all week. As a class we continued to discuss generations and how maybe our grandparents would create a quilt, whereas our generation may just go to the store and buy a quilt. Is either way better? The class also had a great discussion about how quilts tell stories. Last week our focus was learning different genres. We reviewed fantasy as well as the elements of realistic fiction.

Math: We are coming to an end in Unit 4. We continue to work on addition strategies as well as estimating. As a reminder- sometimes estimating is appropriate and students should know how to estimate as well as find an exact answer. If your second grader is ever stuck with estimation please try to help them change one or both numbers to a close but easier to add by. Our rule in class is to change one of the addends to a number that we can count to and reach by 10s.

Social Studies: Everyone has been thrilled to see Social Studies on our schedule. We will be continuing to learn map skills and talk about 'us on the map', our place.

Writing: We learned about quotation marks last week, "Hooray"! We have been turning our fantastic interview with Mrs. Crowley into a quilt. We are making strong connections between reading and writing this week. Each quilt square has included on it the question asked by someone in class with the answer and an illustration. We will be finishing these and creating our quilt next week.

Upcoming Events:
Friday: "Traveling Towards Good Behavior" Party
        -Wear your PJ's
        - Bring a blanket for our movie

Thursday, December 13, 2012

For Friday the 14th!

Let's end the week in a fun way! 
Wear your PJs to school tomorrow and celebrate a packed week of learning coming to an end!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December is Here!

Time has really been flying fast! I cannot believe that it is already December! I am excitedly waiting our first snow. I love winter activities! Go onto the blog and tell me about your favorite winter activities!

In Reading...
We are continuing to focus on story elements. We are using the story elements setting, characters, plot events to summarize a story we have read. Last week we also started specifically learning different genres. We no longer say a book is Fiction or Non-Fiction, we are learning the categories that fit under those umbrella terms. We read 'The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Down' and discussed what categorizes this story as a fantasy story. All of the second graders are filling out genre snowballs to practice identifying the genre of books they are reading independently.

In Math...
Unit 4 is moving along at a steady pace. Last week we learned estimation and this will loop around later in the unit as well. As a class we discussed that in some situations an exact answer is not necessary. We played a shopping activity to practice this skill. If you only had $100 to spend could you buy an ipod touch for $75 and a CD from itunes for $12?

In Writing...
Our biography interview with Mrs. Crowley went so well. I am so proud of all of our reporters. Everyone asked great questions! Each 'ingredient' group worked in such a focused way and was so excited to be creating these questions. Mrs. Crowley was so impressed with our class and how respectful everyone acted. The Irish jig that she taught us was great fun as well! Her Irish step dancing lessons really showed.  :)

In Science...
Our Life Cycles unit is a full year unit. Last week while talking about interviews and biographies, we had an interesting science lesson about generations. We created three generation timelines and discussed the different stages of life.

We have 2 packed weeks of learning left before Winter Break! Keep working hard everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fun with Google Earth!

Yesterday afternoon we had a chance to play around with Google Earth as an engaging way to jump start our new Social Studies-Geography unit!
The kids seemed to really love how the program zooms in from North America (our continent), to Illinois (our state), and further into Arlington Heights (our city). We will be continuing to look at 'our place on a map' throughout this week.
I encourage you to download Google Earth at home and explore some of your favorite places on the map.
Happy Travels!

Click Here----> Google Earth

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Looking Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The weather was wonderful and I enjoyed walking around my neighborhood!
I want to take a special moment to thank everyone for how great everyone has been with our two new students! It has been so helpful that I can count on everyone to be so kind and responsible.

Last Week In....

Reading- We read Strega Nona last week and focused on learning story elements. The class continued to discuss the connections between reading and writing. Everyone had good ideas about how learning story elements could help our writing get stronger. We also learned and talked about the Theme of a story. The theme is the lesson the main character learns for the events in the story or it can be a lesson the author wants the reader to gain by reading the book. While reading with your second grader at home, ask them what they think the theme or lesson of their book is.

Math- We continue to work through Unit 4. This week we will be starting to learn some problem solving strategies and continue to practice explain the multiple ways someone can solve a math problem. Last week students learned estimation and how in some situations it is appropriate to use a well thought out guess and an exact answer is not needed. We practiced this skill through shopping activities.

Writing- Hip Hip Hooray!! We voted and we will be interviewing Mrs. Crowley for our class biography. Students have been working hard on generating interview questions based on our
7 Biography ingredients. Everyone is very excited! In the LMC we also begin to research a famous person to gather information to construct a short biography.
-Interesting Facts

Next week we will begin some Geography lessons. This is always a fun, meaningful unit because students begin to learn where they live in the world.

Keep focused everyone! You are all doing great!