Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th-14th

Everyone's smiles were shining today for picture day!

We came back from the weekend really ready to learn. We had a packed day and it went really well. As a class we set a goal for ourselves to work on our transitions. When we move from activity to activity or subject to subject, that is a transition. As a team we decided we wanted this part of our day to go quicker and quieter. Everyone has been working really hard to improve in this area. I have seen great improvement already! Keep it up!

Looking further into the week:

Reading: This week we will continue to work on the reading strategies we were introduced to last week- 'Check for Undestanding' and "Backup and Re-Read'. When we stop and 'Check for Understand' every four pages or so, we ask ourselves WHO and WHAT is happening in the story. We are learning that is we do not understand a part of the book we should not read on. Instead we have been practicing how to back up a page or two and re-read from that point to see if the story becomes more clear.
Along with these two important strategies we continue to practice our first Daily Five activity 'Read to Self'. This week we will also add 'Work on Writing' and 'Word Work'.

Math: We are continuing to review past material. Today we looked at number grids, explored number patterns and talked about what it looks like to work in small groups. We will continue to play money games as well as addition games to strengthen some of our basic math skills.

Writing: We are finishing up with our Friendly Letter writing unit and moving into some poetry this week. Today we read a silly poem from one of my favorite poets- Shel Silverstein.

Science: At the end of last week we began our science unit. Our first unit has the kids learning about life cycles. We will be looking at Plants, Trees, and Family through generations. On Thursday of last week the students worked in groups to create a question they wanted to answer (ie: will crayons color if they are dipped in water first). After formulating a question, it was up to the group to design an experiment they think would get them the results they were looking for.
This was such a great opportunity to see the students problem solve and work as a team- it was very impressive!

*** Spelling will begin this week!*** There will be more information to come about how spelling program works and the spelling homework assignments.

Thank you!

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