Monday, August 27, 2012

Announcements for the new year!

We have had a wonderful start to our new school year! We are int he middle of learning all of our new routines and I would say we are running pretty smoothly already! I am so excited to have all of you in my class! I know we are going to learn a lot together and have great fun while doing so!

I have been so impressed to see such strong team work so early on in the year. We have many new things to experience as Second Graders! One of those new experiences are our lockers. Everyone is doing a fantastic job taking turns and getting what they need from their locker first thing in the morning.  Keep it up!

Our first reading log went home today so I wanted to send a virtual reminder (although daily reminders will be given in class and written on our assignment sheet). I would love to see you all read everyday but to practice getting back into the school spirit, I ask you read at least 5 days a week- 15 minutes per day. Please be sure to record what you're reading onto your log. Your reading log is always due back the Monday after it is given. This first log is due back to school on September 4th because of the Labor Day weekend.
Along with the reading log, a game called READ-O came home in backpack mail today. I have changed the instructions just slightly and will go over this change tomorrow. But for a prize students should complete all the boxes on the game board. Everyone has the rest of August and all of September to complete the boxes. A box is marked off with a parent signature after it is completed.

Keep an eye out for more updates! I am so enjoying all of the letters everyone is sending in about their second grader. Please keep those coming, I am learning a lot about what great people we have on our team this year!

Thank you!

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