Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13th-17th

We have an exciting, yet busy 4 day week in our forecast! Valentine's Day is this Tuesday. We will be having a party in class beginning at 2:30pm. I know our Room Representatives have been working very hard on the planning. Please have your second grader bring/make a bag or box on Tuesday to collect all their Valentines.

The Second Grade Show is quickly approaching. We have two performance times: Wednesday Feb. 22nd at 9:45am as well as another performance on Thursday Feb. 23rd at 2:15pm. The kids have started to have some additional practice times and are really working hard to make it a great show.

Is it that time of year to start thinking of some summer fun? The answer is yes! The Six Flags Read to Succeed program is back. When your student records 6 hours of reading by February 27th, they will earn a free ticket to the Great America. To find out more information about this motivating opportunity, look online at the Friday Packet.

In other exciting news, last week we began our Second Grade UBD project. Students have already chosen a country that they are interested in learning more about, as well as started to generate questions about their country that they are wondering about. This week we will review note-taking strategies and begin to research.

In Reading, we will continue to learn about cause and effect relationships. We will also continue to work with the vocabulary we learned last week when we read 'The Princess and the Pizza'.

We wrapped up Unit 6 at the end of last week in Math. This week we will begin Unit 7 "Patterns and Rules".

Second Graders overall we had a wonderful week last week together. Continue working hard!

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