Sunday, December 11, 2011

We have had a very busy two weeks since Thanksgiving!  Our salt and flour continent maps look wonderful! We owe a huge thank you to all of the moms who came in and helped!

Room 152 has been busy learning!
In Reading: We continue to focus on story elements and summarizing stories by choosing the important events that occurred in the beginning, middle and end. The students are using a variety of graphic organizers to demonstrate their mastery of summarizing. We have also continued to learn about synonyms, homophones, what a thesaurus is, as well as how to use a dictionary. Through this coming week, we will continue to practice these skills.

Spelling: There will be no assigned Spelling City this coming week. I still encourage the students to go on to the site and play any game that they enjoy for additional practice. Our regular Spelling City assignments will resume after Winter Break.

In Math: We will finish Unit 4 this week. This unit included building mental math addition strategies, temperature and different number story models. I will be doing a review in class on Wednesday over all of the material that will be on this unit's test.

In Social Studies: Our maps are looking awesome! To fully wrap up this landforms unit, this week we will use our elevation keys to paint the salt and flour maps.

In Writing: The students are almost done with their second large writing piece, their personal narratives. Last week's lessons including more work with dialogue and choosing spicy words to make our writing more interesting. We also worked on how to bring a story to a nice ending that is complete and clear but not abrupt.

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday: All school pajama day!
Thursday: Math Test!
Friday: Our "Walking Towards Good Behavior" Party!
Also On Friday: The 1st and 5th Grade Show!

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