Monday, September 5, 2011

What a Great First Full Week!

Hello Second Graders,
       Although the week flew by, we accomplished a lot. I am so proud of our class. We received two compliments this week from other teachers. One for remaining quiet outside the classroom and the other for reading quietly in the library. Great work!
         At the start of the year I will be posting at least once a week to review our accomplishments and activities from the week. As the year progresses I may be posting more and including interesting news clips or jokes that I find. I will also be posting pictures of our class periodically. Please get into the habit of checking the blog often. 

Looking Back:
Reading: Last week we practiced our classroom procedures for our first Daily Five activity, Read to Self. We will continue to build the classes stamina by adding one minute each time we practice. The students are doing a wonderful job following the expectations we brainstormed together for 'Reading to Self'. Last week we also learned two very important reading strategies. The class learned and practiced 'Check for Understanding' and when they get stuck to 'Back up and Reread'. We will continue to add reading strategies to our reading menu over the coming weeks.

Math: We began Unit 1 last week. In Unit 1, the second graders review skills they learned through first grade. Skills include: everyday math procedures, sequencing numbers, counting coins, telling time, and writing the date. 

Writing: The unit we started last week will be an on going unit through the year. The second graders learned the proper way to write a friendly letter. After writing to me, as well as Mr. Hengles, the students had fun writing to other students around the school.

Friday was also our first time filling out the behavior form, reflecting on behavior over the week, and setting a goal for themselves for next week. I think overall everyone did well with this, but it will be something we continue to work on over the year. 

        I look forward to learning more about each of you as our year moves forward.  Get excited for our second week together!!

See you in the morning!

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