Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Update for September 19th-23rd

Hello Team 152,

We had another week packed with learning. Just one of the many accomplishments that happened over this past week, was that we received yet another compliment during Library time. Mrs. Polito commented on how quiet we entered the library; this compliment puts us at 5 feet in our 'Steps Towards Good Behavior' reward system. Great work second graders, keep it up!
As a class we also came up with one goal that we would like to work on for the coming week. We decided that our goal should be to transition between lessons more quickly and to keep ourselves quieter while moving from one topic to the next. I have already seen improvements so I know we can accomplish this goal.

What we worked on last week:

Reading: We began the week with lessons on visualizing and creating mental images as we read. The students have done a fantastic job with this strategy. We discussed that creating pictures in our minds while we read, helps us become better readers. Emilia had a wonderful comment about how visualizing what is happening in a story makes the story more her own. I read the poem 'Ducks on a Winter Night' and the students were asked to draw what they heard. We quickly realized that not everyone's picture was the same.  The words were the same, but what everyone saw in their minds was unique.
We also added our third Daily 5 activity this week, Read to Someone. The students really did a wonderful job reading to one another in EEKK! position, using soft voices and checking for their understanding at the end of each page. Next week we will integrate Reading to Someone in with our other two Daily 5 choice, Read to Yourself and Work on Writing.

Math: We finished our first unit in math, reviewed and took our first test.  The test covered counting coins, tally marks, renaming numbers, telling time, number grid patterns, different ways to make a given amount of change and simple addition problems using dominos. Be sure to visit Everyday Math Online for continued practice with math facts and more. If you have questions about how to login please do not hesitate to email me.

Writing: We began our School Moments Autobiographies. The students had to think all the way back to kindergarten for one exciting, or interesting memory. They then drew only the most important pieces of that memory and labeled their illustration. The students repeated these steps for two first grade memories and one second grade memory. We have now moved on to the writing piece of these autobiographies. We discussed what makes good writing and we decided that using 'spicy' words helps the reader stay focused and adds more enjoyment to the piece. We also worked on creating a 'feeling' sentence for each moment. Why was this moment important? How did you feel at that particular time?

Spelling: Everyone was very excited to be able to go into the computer lab and explore Spelling City for the first time. We went through how to login, where the students will find their assignments each week and where there are other games for extra practice( the favorite was definitely Hang Mouse). Normally assignments will be available starting Monday but next week, the new assignments will be posted on Tuesday to be completed by Friday so the students are prepared for the spelling test that morning.

Coming Attractions:
-  I have the unique and wonderful opportunity to assist in designing a unit based on 21st century learning skills. For this reason I will be at district training Tuesday and Wednesday. I will be checking in with our substitute Mrs. Mosca, who will be wonderful with the kids, as well as checking my email periodically throughout the day.

I look forward to another exciting week in room 152!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 12th-16th

Hello Room 152!

We have one more MAP test to go today! You should all be very proud of yourselves for the work you have all done this week so far!

In Reading: We have learned this week how to 'Tune into Interesting Words'. Our class has a special name for these words, SPICY words, because interesting words always add extra flavor to the books we are reading or stories we are writing. Ask your second grader what silent symbol they chose to display when they hear a SPICY word while reading.
This week we have also continued to practice our Daily 5 skills, 'Read to Self' and 'Work on Writing'. I am seeing some very creative writers' emerge.
We have also continued to learn how to make connections to the books we are reading. The three connections we have learned and reviewed are: Text to Self connections, Text to Text and Text to World connections. We had an interesting discussion yesterday after reading Everybody Cooks Rice by Norah Dooley about special food dishes our families eat. We noticed similarities and differences across the different cultures that are represented in our classroom. The students have also practiced using venn diagrams to compare and contrast people and books, which will continue through next week.

In Math: There was a great deal of excitement over our first homework assignment this week. Everyone seemed to handle that responsibility well. This week we looked closely at the number grid and students were able to recognize many patterns within the grid. From there, we worked on creating puzzles from the number grid. We practiced playing 'Penny Plate', 'Addition Top-It' as well as the 'Money Exchange Game'. The second graders also learned how to program their calculators to count and solve problems with their calculator when specific keys were "broken".

We began to learn this week, with Ms. Ague, about how we can help ourselves pay attention during lessons. Our class joined Mrs. Zingg's class to learn the first five items on our new class 'Drive Through Menu'. My favorite item to order when we need to take a brain break is item #4- Jumping Bean. Ask your second grader what their favorite number to order is.

Lastly, our Think Tank question was tough last week. Mr. Don gave us a special tool and we had to decide what its use is. There were many creative answers, but the tool turned out to be something that helps Mr. Don take doorknobs off in the school.

Keep up the hard work Explorers!

Monday, September 5, 2011

What a Great First Full Week!

Hello Second Graders,
       Although the week flew by, we accomplished a lot. I am so proud of our class. We received two compliments this week from other teachers. One for remaining quiet outside the classroom and the other for reading quietly in the library. Great work!
         At the start of the year I will be posting at least once a week to review our accomplishments and activities from the week. As the year progresses I may be posting more and including interesting news clips or jokes that I find. I will also be posting pictures of our class periodically. Please get into the habit of checking the blog often. 

Looking Back:
Reading: Last week we practiced our classroom procedures for our first Daily Five activity, Read to Self. We will continue to build the classes stamina by adding one minute each time we practice. The students are doing a wonderful job following the expectations we brainstormed together for 'Reading to Self'. Last week we also learned two very important reading strategies. The class learned and practiced 'Check for Understanding' and when they get stuck to 'Back up and Reread'. We will continue to add reading strategies to our reading menu over the coming weeks.

Math: We began Unit 1 last week. In Unit 1, the second graders review skills they learned through first grade. Skills include: everyday math procedures, sequencing numbers, counting coins, telling time, and writing the date. 

Writing: The unit we started last week will be an on going unit through the year. The second graders learned the proper way to write a friendly letter. After writing to me, as well as Mr. Hengles, the students had fun writing to other students around the school.

Friday was also our first time filling out the behavior form, reflecting on behavior over the week, and setting a goal for themselves for next week. I think overall everyone did well with this, but it will be something we continue to work on over the year. 

        I look forward to learning more about each of you as our year moves forward.  Get excited for our second week together!!

See you in the morning!