Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reviewing the Past Week

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you enjoyed the beautiful butterflies the class made. We did a brief study of Eric Carle and how he illustrated his books by painting tissue paper and collaging it together to create wonderful illustrations for his creative stories. The class painted their own paper on Monday and traced both of their hands to document their second grade growth. On Friday we constructed our butterflies making them into a great magnet for the refrigerator.

Math: The class has been working hard on defining area and perimeter. With practice, the kids are able to find the perimeter and the area of different figures.
Area: we define as the surface inside a figure. We find area by counting the square units inside the shape.
Perimeter: we define as the distance around a shape (the shape doesn't have to be a rectangle). We find perimeter by counting the line segments all the way around the shape.
We ended our math week with learning a new problem solving strategy. We completed an example problem in class showing how to best draw a diagram to help solve a math problem.

Reading: Last week and this week we are looking at Cinderella stories from around the world. We began the week by reading The Egyptian Cinderella and the more traditional United States version. With each story students are practicing summarizing and identifying key themes as well as comparing and contrasting the different versions.

Social Studies: It was a very big week for us. We finally were able to paint our continent maps. The class also got a special guest- My Dad was able to come visit and help paint Thursday afternoon. He was very impressed with everyone and had a wonderful time. We will finish painting our landforms this coming Monday.

Science: Another exciting week observing our butterflies. As I left on Friday afternoon we had one butterfly emerge. I wonder how many butterflies we will have by Monday? Watching this metamorphosis happen has been very exciting and very interesting.

*** Don't forget there is still time to donate to the JDRL walk-a-thon.*** We will be walking Friday the 17th of May.