Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Go Hawks!

To support our fabulous Blackhawks feel free to wear your Hawks gear or Red and Black to give the Hawks good luck in their game tomorrow evening!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking Back Feb. 19th-22nd

This is such a busy time for second grade! Everyone is doing a fantastic job being flexible!

In Reading-
We continue to review all of the important skills we have covered so far this year. There are quite a few, we have come a long way as readers. We read a story called 'Just Plain Fancy' and discussed theme or the lesson the author wants you to learn from the story.
Looking ahead we will be reading 'Chato's Kitchen'. We may even be able to learn some new spanish vocabulary from our new book.

In Writing-
The class has combined reading and writing together by working on creating our own Non-Ficition books or 'All About Books' as you may have heard them called at home. The kids were able to chose any topic they knew they had a lot of schema, or background knowledge about already. Using a checklist, everyone is creating their very own book showing that they can use non-fiction features correctly. The books are looking great and we hope to have them mostly finished by the end of the week. We have books from football to playing an instrument.

In Math-
We continue to work through unit 6. I can see that the kids are really excited and engaged while learning about multiplication and division. Everyone has done a wonderful job on drawing and naming rectangular arrays. We are working on how to teach this concept to a younger student. Please ask your second grader to teach you about a math concept at home.

In Science-
Our pea plants are growing more like 'Jack and the Bean Stalk' then pea plants. We will continue to discuss the 'perfect' conditions in which to grow a plant and design an experiment to test out their theories.

In Social Studies-
We began one of my favorite projects (however I think I may say that for every project we do). The class was divided into continent groups. Each group was assigned a continent to research and is doing a  nice job starting to take notefacts. It is difficult to work in a team but everyone seems to be learning and trying very hard to listen to all group members.

Our Country Research has also been going well. Everyone has finished creating their T-Chart for all of the wonderful notefacts they took on their chosen topic. Now we will get ready to start thinking about how those notefacts compare to how we live here in the United States.

Exciting News:
The Second Grade Show is this coming week:
The parent shows are on Wednesday, February 27that 2:15 and Thursday, February 28th at 9:30.  

We all hope you can make it! I have had the pleasure of sitting in for some of the practices and everyone is doing a great job! The show looks great! You may be singing some of the songs for a while after the show ends.

Becoming A Part of History

The pictures in this slideshow are from our biography presentations. Everyone worked so hard on collecting notefacts and worked even harder at writing true paragraphs for the first time.
Then everyone let their creative juices flow by creating wonderful posters to share all of the new information they gathered.
I am so proud of everyone! I know I learned new informamtion about many figures in history through this project.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weekly Review Feb. 4h-8th

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Variety Show Saturday night! I know it was a very busy night for everyone!
All of the teachers had so much fun performing our swimming routine- we had been working hard at practices to make sure everyone would enjoy the performance.
We are hoping to get a video that I will post for those that could not attend. :)

In Reading:
We are continuing with our Non-Fiction features but now we starting to create our own All About books to practice using all of the Non-Fiction features we have learned. Throughout February we will also be reviewing the strategies that we've already learned. This past week we read 'Owl Moon' and reviewed the purpose and importance of making mental images while reading. Everyone did a wonderful job creating their mental images and writing about how the image helped them to comprehend the story better.

In Math:
The class did a really nice job complete comparison problems all week. Everyone also seemed to very much enjoy learning about food groups and graphing our classes favorite foods using a bar graph.

In Science and Social Studies:
Our pea plants are growing fast, strong and healthy. I will post pictures of our growing plants very soon so please stay tuned!
In Social Studies we continue to learn about landforms, continents and maps.

In Writing:
Next week we will be presenting our biography poster projects. Hooray! The posters are looking great! Everyone is really letting their creative juices flow.

Country Research Project:
Last week we started our Country Research project. They kids chose what country they wanted to research and learn more about. On Thursday, we began to research one of their chosen topics. Everyone is doing a great job taking notes and learning about their new country.

*** Be on the look out Tuesday for the Valentine's Day letter with our classes names printed on it for Valentine's that wish to be sent on Thursday***